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19 - Use the Azure TCO Calculator (10 min)

In this walkthrough, you will use the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator to generate cost comparison report for an on-premises environment.

Note: This walkthrough provides example definitions of on-premises infrastructure and workloads for a typical datacenter. To create a TCO Calculator report, use the example definitions or provide details of your actual on-premises infrastructure and workloads.

Task 1: Configure the TCO calculator

In this task, we will add infrastructure information to the calculator.

  1. In a browser, navigate to the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator page.

  2. To add details of your on-premises server infrastructure, click + Add server workload in the Define your workloads pane.

    Settings Value
    Name Servers: Windows VMs
    Workload Windows/Linux server
    Environment Virtual Machines
    Operating system Windows
    VMs 50
    Virtualization Hyper-V
    Core(s) 8
    RAM (GB) 16
    Optimize by CPU
    Windows Server 2008/2008 R2 Off
  3. Select + Add server workload to make a row for a new server workloads definition.

    Settings Value
    Name Servers: Linux VMs
    Workload Windows/Linux server
    Environment Virtual Machines
    Operating system Linux
    VMs 50
    Virtualization VMware
    Core(s) 8
    RAM (GB) 16
    Optimize by CPU
    Windows Server 2008/2008 R2 Off
  4. In the Storage pane, click Add storage.

    Settings Value
    Name Server Storage
    Storage type Local Disk/SAN
    Disk type HDD
    Capacity 60 TB
    Backup 120 TB
    Archive 0 TB
  5. In the Networking pane, add bandwidth.

    Settings Value
    Outbound bandwidth 15 TB
  6. Click Next.

  7. Explore the options and make any adjustments that you require.

    Settings Value
    Currency Euro
  8. Click Next.

Task 2: Review the results and save a copy

In this task, we will review cost saving recommendations and download a report.

  1. Review the Azure cost saving recommendations and visualizations.

    Settings Value
    Timeframe 3 years
    Region North Europe
  2. To modify the information you provided, go to the bottom of the page, and click Back.

  3. To save or print a PDF copy of the report, click Download.

    Screenshot of the report pane of the tco calculator in Azure. The highlighted and completed input fields indicates how set the tco calculator timeframe to three years and the region to north europe. A graph shows the cost of on-premises infrastructure and workloads off-set against the reduced cost of using Azure.

Congratulations! You have used the TCO Calculator to generate a cost comparison report for an on-premises environment.